
Erdő mélyén lévő, patakparti csendes, diszkrét panziónkban aktívan pihenheti ki a városi élet fáradalmait.

Programme offers

A csendes erdő mélyén számtalan kikapcsolódási lehetőség várja Önt és kedves családját. Ne hagyja ki ingyenesen használható teniszpályánkat és állatsimogatónkat sem.

Special offers

Különleges kedvezményekkel várjuk Önt és családját, illetve nászutas látogatóinkat is.

Although the settlement consists of only four houses its history goes back to centuries. According to written documents it was the favourite hunting area of the Hungarian king Mathias. This can be found in local place names such as Queen’s fallow, King’s well, Bread-well, Mathias spring. Members of the ruling class hunted here for centuries.

It was visited by poets and writers, like István Bársony, a famous writer of the 30s, after whom a spring was named as well.

The adjoining historic building used to be a preferred holiday cottage of the family of Gedeon Richter before the World War. Josef Habsburg, the Hungarian palatine and archduke shot his 1000th stag right here. At the end of the forest road, a swimming pool, and in the nearby village, Kemence, a little railway museum can be found.

For those who love hiking, there are a lot of possibilities for caste tours: Bernecebaráti church hill, Jancsihegy, Drégely castle, Királyrét – castle hill, Magosfa, Nógrád castle, Pagan castle (Pogányvár), Rustok hill (Rustok hegy), Salgó castle (Salgóvár).

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